Donor conception register services

Donor conception registry services

What services does VARTA offer?

VARTA supports people involved in donor conception in Victoria to get the information they need and achieve their connection preferences.

VARTA offers the following services:

1. Applications to the Central and Voluntary Register

  • VARTA assists people to make applications for information about people they are related to through donor treatment

2. Donor-linking

Donor-linking is an additional service to help people to have contact with their donor relative.

  • For people who make an application to the Central Register, the following options are available:
    • exchange of contact details (ie. phone, email, postal address)
    • letterbox / intermediary service (up to 5 items; first 6 months only)
    • facilitated meeting
  • Applicants to the Voluntary Register have the option of exchanging contact details

3. Educational Resources
Educational resources, including personal stories, are available via our website.  These resources are for the general public, including past applicants to the Registers.

What are the registers?

The donor conception registers (Voluntary Register and Central Register), are used to facilitate donor linking. 

Donor linking is the exchange of information between, or meeting of, people connected via donor conception treatment. Contact between parents, donor-conceived people and donors varies enormously and is based on personal preferences. It ranges from disclosure of limited information to occasional email communication, to ongoing contact. Sometimes people only update medical information so their genetic relatives can be notified about it.

The donor conception registers have different functions and contain varying information, depending on the quality and availability of records.


The Voluntary Register is a free matching service for people linked through donor conception treatment looking to connect. At least two linked people need to apply for a match to be found. The information available will depend on what the previous applicants have lodged on the Voluntary Register. This may include medical history, family tree and cultural background, interests, hobbies, physical features, photos, letters, videos and more. You can find out more about or apply to the Voluntary Register here. Anyone linked through donor conception is eligible to apply.

The Central Register contains existing Victorian donor conception records. Records are provided by the treating fertility clinics. These records include the parent’s full name(s); the child’s full name; date and place of birth; and the donor’s name, address and date of birth. There may be limited or no information available if the record no longer exists or cannot be found. The Central Register has both identifying information (name, date of birth, donor code, contact details) and non-identifying information (medical history, interests, hobbies, personality, physical features, month and year of birth, gender, education, occupation). An application fee applies. You can find out more about or apply to the Central Register here. Only donors, donor-conceived people, parents of donor-conceived people, and descendants of donor-conceived people are eligible to apply to the Central Register.

What happens when I make an application to the Central and Voluntary Registers?

  • A case manager (referred to as an Information Officer) is assigned to oversee all applications to the Central and Voluntary Registers. The case manager provides information to both the applicants, and the subjects of an application, and they also manage all the correspondence throughout the process from start to finish;
  • If a person is applying for identifying information, the case manager arranges a mandatory information and support session (ISS) to occur between the applicant and a counsellor.
  • Following your session with the counsellor, the applicant is referred back to the case manager as the main point of contact to continue the process.
  • If you are applying for identifying information, you will be required to complete a ‘Statement of Reasons’ (Central Register) or ‘Letter of Introduction’ (Voluntary Register). This will be provided to the subject to let them know why you are applying for information about them and what information you are seeking.
  • Once the case manager has received your Statement of Reasons or Letter of Introduction, they will attempt to notify the subject(s) of the application. 
  • In some circumstances, you may be required to undergo a DNA test to confirm that you and the subject of the application are related.
  • If the application is about a donor who consented to treatment prior to 1998, the donor has four months from the date they are notified to respond to your application.
  • In some scenarios the applicant, or the subject of an application may be distressed by learning information for the first time.  (For example, by outreaching to a subject of an application, they may learn that they are donor conceived for the first time, or a donor applicant may learn they have a larger number of donor conceived offspring than anticipated).  In these scenarios, VARTA will arrange an external counsellor to provide support.
  • Once the case managers have received all of the required consents, the information will be released to you.

Things to consider

When donor conception was first practised in Victoria, sperm and egg donations were made anonymously. However, experience has shown that donors, donor-conceived people, their parents and close family often want to learn more about one another and are willing to share information about themselves. Curiosity is natural and healthy. People may be interested to know about medical history, genetic background, cultural background, personality, appearance, hobbies and interests. 

When deciding which register to apply for, consider the information that is most important to you. Only apply to one register at a time, you can always apply to the other register after you have been notified of your application outcome. You should also know that:

  • Records may not be available. Some older records may have been destroyed or are incomplete. No information will be released if VARTA cannot satisfy itself that the applicant is related through the use of available records.
  • VARTA may not be able to progress an application if the records have been destroyed or lost; the donor code is unavailable; the subject of an application does not consent to the release of identifying information where consent is required; or if the subject of an application cannot be located.
  • For Voluntary Register applications, the people linked to you through donor conception treatment need to have made an application for a match to be found. The more people that apply the more information that is available.
  • For Central Register applications, it is not always possible to find the person you are looking for. VARTA can refer to a specialist search agency to assist, although there is no guarantee of success.
  • The emotional and practical considerations. People have reported a mix of emotions, including feeling excited or daunted.

Good outcomes are generally a result of:

  • all parties being willing to exchange information or have contact
  • each person having realistic expectations
  • people approaching the process with an open mind
  • no one feeling pressured
  • people communicating honestly
  • all parties considering each other’s point of view and their family situation
  • the process not being rushed and people focussing on getting to know each other gradually.

Before you apply:

  • Be realistic about what you want to achieve. Basic information only, detailed information, to meet or to have an ongoing relationship? Your expectations may be different to the person you are looking to connect with.
  • Choose a time in your life free of other stressors with a good support system in place.
  • Consider the implications for you, the person you are trying to connect to, and close family. Contact may be unexpected and at a difficult time for them.

The Registers, your information and privacy

In line with the Act, VARTA will use your personal information for:

  • processing your application to the Voluntary Register or Central Register and donor linking services
  • updating the Voluntary Register or Central Register
  • statistical, educational, or reporting purposes.

Your information will only be disclosed to:

  • an individual with whom you are linked through an application with your consent; or
  • to a third party search body authorised under the Act that is involved in the linking process.

No other parties will have access to your information.

You can:

  • choose not to provide information, however, it may be difficult for VARTA to process your application
  • request that VARTA correct or amend information
  • request access to your information at any time by contacting VARTA. If VARTA refuses this request, you may make an application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).

More information on VARTA’s privacy and information disclosure policies can be found here.

You may request that VARTA correct or amend information on the Voluntary Register at any time. You may access your information at any time through a request to VARTA.

If you wish to contact VARTA to discuss its privacy and information disclosure policies or access your information, please contact us.

Privacy and information disclosure: VARTA is responsible for the management of the donor conception register under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (Vic) (the Act). VARTA can only release information from the Central Register in accordance with the Act, or in other exceptional circumstances when required to do so by law. VARTA also has obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).

How is information recorded on the Central Register?

Following the birth of a child born as a result of a donor treatment procedure, a Victorian ART provider is required to submit a birth notification to VARTA that confirms a range of details for recording on the Central Register, including information about:

  • the person born as a result of the donor treatment procedure,
  • the woman on whom the treatment procedure was carried out,
  • the woman’s partner (if any) and
  • the donor.

Information on the birth notification reflects contemporaneous records held by the clinic regarding the consent and counselling requirements under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (the Act) that must be met before a woman and her partner (if any) commence donor treatment.

This means that if you (and your partner, if any) are undergoing or considering donor treatment, you must ensure that your clinic always has the most up-to-date information about your personal circumstances – which includes any changes to your relationship status (e.g. separation or divorce). If your relationship status changes, notifying your clinic as soon as possible because it may have significant legal implications. For example:

  • If you and your partner consented to donor treatment together, you will both be recorded on the Central Register. This is the case even if the relationship subsequently ends.
  • A person who received counselling and consented as a donor is not considered a legal parent of a donor-conceived child. They have no legal rights or obligations to the child born as a result of their donation or to the parent/s. A donor is not included on the birth certificate of a child born through donor conception.

What should I do if my circumstances change after I have consented to treatment as a patient, partner, or donor?

VARTA recommends that you notify your clinic as soon as possible if there are any changes to your personal circumstances. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • separating from a partner who previously consented to donor treatment
  • starting a relationship with a new ‘partner’ as defined under section 3 of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008.

How does VARTA share information with Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM)? And what information is included on a birth certificate?

VARTA is required to report to BDM all births that result from donor-treatment by a doctor or registered clinic in Victoria. VARTA’s information sharing arrangement with BDM ensures that the birth certificate accurately reflects the details of the parent and their partner (if any) who were counselled by and provided consent to the doctor or clinic before commencing the treatment that resulted in the birth of that child.

Before issuing a birth certificate, BDM confirm with VARTA that the information to be included on the birth certificate matches the information that is recorded on the Central Register.

To avoid any unnecessary delays in issuing the birth certificate, parents should:

  • report the birth of their donor-conceived child to both BDM and their treating clinic as soon as possible after the child is born; and
  • ensure the information reported is consistent and there are no discrepancies (ie. the parent(s) must be the same people who consented to the donor treatment)

All children born as a result of donor treatment in Victoria from 1 January 2010 have the fact that they are donor-conceived recorded on the Victorian birth register. When the child turns 18 and they apply for a copy of their birth certificate, they will receive an addendum on their birth certificate stating, in some manner, they are donor-conceived. Only the child themselves will receive this addendum and applications for birth certificates by parents or guardians will not record these details. The first of these certificates will be issued by BDM from 1 January 2028.

What happens if I provide incorrect information on my consent form or do not advise my clinic of a change in my personal circumstances (such as separating from my partner)?

If you do not provide the correct information on your consent form or fail to notify your clinic about any changes to your personal circumstances, there is a risk that the information submitted by your clinic to VARTA to record on the Central Register (as required by law) may not be accurate. If you have a child born as a result of donor treatment, this may also affect that child’s birth certificate.

If your child’s birth certificate contains inaccurate information because you did not notify your clinic about any changes to your personal circumstances, you may need to seek a court order to make any amendments to your child’s birth certificate. Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) is responsible for issuing and amending birth certificates.

Please be advised that VARTA cannot retrospectively amend information recorded on the Central Register or create a new record to reflect a separation, new relationship, or any other change in personal circumstances if such a change is not supported by a clinic’s consent or counselling forms at the time of treatment.

It is also an offence under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (ART Act) to knowingly or recklessly give false or misleading information (or to omit material information) on a consent form, which includes false or misleading representations about the nature of the relationship between two people involved in the donor treatment.

Is VARTA involved in issuing my child’s birth certificate?

VARTA does not have a role in issuing birth certificates. However, the information recorded on the Central Register helps Births Deaths and Marriages (BDM) ensure that the information required to register the parents of a child born as a result of donor treatment is correct.

Further information on the requirements for registering as a parent on a birth certificate is available on BDM’s website.

Personal quotes

“I wasn’t looking for a father or anything. I was purely interested in knowing…me! I’m a sticky nose. I didn’t like the fact that there was stuff about me that I may not know. I now feel a bit more at ease knowing the answers to those questions….Sometimes the answers weren’t there straight away…I am so grateful that Graham (her donor) and Mathilde (his wife) let me have contact with them.” Kelly

"I started searching for my donor, after my second shoulder re-construction. The doctors said: 'We don’t know why your shoulders are like this, you were obviously born with it, it’s genetic.' Mum is an only child and shoulder problems don’t run on her side of the family. I really wanted to look for this person and get some medical history and I wanted to know more about my donor." Chloe, Donor-conceived person

"I have registered with the Voluntary Register here in Victoria. I've indicated that I am prepared to be contacted if and when my offspring seek to do so. I have also written a letter to my unknown offspring and have lodged that." Ian

“As a one parent family I have embraced the opportunity to link with others, to grow beyond my family and our family, but to welcome - my son’s family. My son’s family was made with love and hope. The love came from the parents and the hope came from our donor. As a group of parents we consciously chose to seek connection in the belief that it is in the best interest of our children. Our children all shared a common bond - our donor. My son's family has grown beyond he and I and this has enriched his and my life.” Anna

Personal stories

Experience the stories of real people. View all stories
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Welcome to Varta

A mother reflects on her experience of donor treatment in the late 1970S and early 1980s

Elizabeth, a parent of three donor-conceived adults born as a result of donor treatment in the late 1970s and early 1980s at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne, reco...
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Welcome to Varta

Searching for C11 - Part 2

Searching for C11, a two part ABC Australian Story special, is about the ardous search to discover the identity of Lauren Burns' donor father - a man she know only as 'C1...
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Welcome to Varta

When a sperm donor applies to find his offspring

In 1979, when Aaron* answered a call for volunteer research participants at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital, he was surprised to find himself signing up to a sperm...
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Welcome to Varta

Graham and Kelly’s story of donor linking and advice to others

Donor Graham, and donor-conceived Kelly, met eight years ago once they both expressed interest in finding out information about their donor/offspring. They were matched w...
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Welcome to Varta

Lived experiences of donor linking

A panel of donors, recipient parents and donor-conceived people share their stories of donor linking at the VARTA's 'Donor conception: from anonymity to openness' event o...
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Welcome to Varta

Searching for C11 - Part 1

Searching for C11, a two part ABC Australian Story special, is about the ardous search to discover the identity of Lauren Burns' donor father - a man she know only as 'C1...
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Welcome to Varta

Sperm donor linking

Listen to interview: Sperm donor linking - Richard Aedy, Radio National VARTA CEO Louise Johnson and Riley Knight, a donor-conceived person, spoke to Richard Aedy from R...
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Welcome to Varta

Meeting your donor / donor-conceived person

Riley and his donor, Roger, talk about what it was like to meet each other.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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I would like to connect with parents who have used the same donor. Which register do I use?

The Voluntary Register. If there is a match, VARTA will notify you and the other parties involved. These connections are not possible using the Central Register.

How can I get non- identifying information?

Parents, donor-conceived people and donors can request and receive non-identifying information from VARTA at any time, without the need for consent. This includes:

  • physical characteristics – height, eye colour, blood group
  • social information – ethnic background, medical history.

Options include:

  • treating fertility clinic
  • Voluntary register
  • Central register.

People linked through donor conception can lodge information via the Voluntary Register. If a match is found all parties will be notified.

I am writing my statement of reasons. What should I include?

A statement of reasons is a short document explaining your motivations and what you would like to happen (both short and long term) as a result of the application. Your completed statement of reasons is forwarded to the contacted party and can help them understand why you are seeking information and/or contact.

  • Write in a way which conveys your voice and what you think and feel, so that the other person forms a greater understanding of you as a person. VARTA staff have expertise connecting people linked by donation so they are able to provide helpful feedback.
  • Keep it simple and clear. Consider what the other person may like to know about you. As this is likely to be the first information the other person will receive about you (and may be their first introduction to somebody with whom they are connected by donation) it is difficult to know how they will respond to your application. Let the other person know a little bit about yourself. Ensure that the information you share with the other person is what you are comfortable revealing. If there are specific questions you have, this is the time to ask them.
  • Respect the other person’s wishes. It takes time to get to know another person and at this very early stage it is sensible to approach things in a respectful and carefully paced manner. For example, instead of stating ‘I want to meet you’, you could say ‘one day, if you’d like to, it would be my hope that we could meet’. It is likely that one or both of you may be feeling some trepidation about the situation so it is advisable to tread lightly in the beginning.
  • Be clear about your short-term and long-term goals. It is helpful for the other person to understand how you would like to begin to communicate with each other initially, and if this goes well, in the future. Some people want only medical information or information about cultural background and do not want ongoing contact. Others would like a friendship if they find they enjoy each other's company. People often like to begin to exchange information with each other via email. While some people might use their general email address, others prefer to begin correspondence using a non-identifying email account to protect their privacy. People may also choose to share photographs.
  • Social media and internet footprint. The more information you share, the easier it is for the other person to find you on the internet. This is the time to update your social media settings if you want to protect your privacy or if you are a parent and wish to protect your child's privacy.

You can read more about writing your statement of reasons here.

I am writing my first letter. What should I include?

Your introductory letter or email is often the first form of contact between someone with whom you are connected by donation. It is best to write a short message that gives some information about you and how you would like the contact to progress.

You may find it is one of the most challenging letters you ever have to write. It may be hard to know what to say. It is important that you:

  • write in your own voice
  • are honest about what you think and feel
  • keep it simple and real
  • let your personality shine through
  • let the other person know your ideas of what you would like to happen in the future.

Start by introducing yourself. This may be the first information the other person has received about you. It may also be their first introduction to a person with whom they are connected by donation. As you may not know what kind of involvement they wish to have with you, it is better to keep your introduction simple. Consider sharing why you are interested in knowing more about them. You may have already received some non-identifying information about them. This may be a good opportunity to write a few short sentences about what you know or to identify something that the two of you have in common.

What will you call each other? The terminology surrounding donor-conception has not yet evolved enough to describe these kinds of relationships. It is difficult to know what to call each other. The language you use should develop over time if you establish a relationship. Knowing the other person’s first name can help ease this awkwardness. If you do not know their name, you could perhaps address the letter to: ‘Dear donor’, or ‘Dear donor-child’.

Respect the other person’s wishes and feelings. It is good to be open with them as to what you would like, but do not force your ideas upon them. Instead of ‘when can we meet?’ you could say ‘one day, if you’d like to, it would be my hope that we could meet.’ It is likely that one or both of you may be feeling some trepidation about the situation so it’s better to tread lightly in the beginning. You may each prefer to correspond by letter or email for a while before meeting. It is important to reassure each other that you respect each other's feelings and wishes about future contact.

Maintain your boundaries. Remember that you do not know this person yet. While you may be genetically linked, this does not mean that you will get along. It is likely they are very honest and genuine people, but it is sensible to take the usual social etiquette precautions you would normally follow. Until you get to know one another it is best to maintain some boundaries. Only share to the level that you feel comfortable. It is your choice whether you share a photo of yourself or provide your surname.

Social media. Be aware that the more information you provide, the more able the other person is to access information about you via the internet. You may wish to change your privacy setting on your social media accounts.

Keep it simple. Keep the first letter light in tone and short. You do not have to say everything straight away. While you are likely to be extremely curious, it is best not to ask too many questions. Decide on the things that you really want to know. It is also okay to ask for an updated medical history.

I am writing my first letter. Are there any examples of letters?

Sample letter from a donor-conceived person:

Dear Peter,

My name is Laura and I believe that I was born as a result of your donation. Over the years I have thought a lot about what to say to you. There is so much I would like to tell you. I would like to firstly thank you for donating and giving me the gift of life. Without your help my Mum and Dad would not be parents and I would not be here.

I also want you to know that I am not asking or expecting anything of you. I hope my letter does not cause you any distress. I do not wish to cause any disruption in your life or to intrude on your family. If you do not wish to have contact with me I will understand.

One day I would love to meet you if you would like, but that is entirely your decision. Perhaps we could correspond for a while and get to know each other a little first. I would be very interested to know about your medical history, what you are like and whether we share any similarities in personality, interests or appearance.

I imagine you might have some questions about me too. I grew up believing I was the biological child of my Dad. When I was around 15 years old, my parents explained that they needed the help of a donor to have me. I am now 34 years old. I married a wonderful man, named Dave, 7 years ago. We have 2 beautiful children, Sarah who is five and Ben who is two. I work as a nurse part time and I enjoy swimming and reading.

Ever since I knew about you, I have thought about you and wish you very well,


Sample letter from a parent:

Dear Donor,

I don’t know how to begin to thank you for the unique and precious gift you have given me. I am a 37 year old single woman and thanks to you I am now a mother to my cherished daughter, Olivia, who is four years old.

There are no words that can express the gratitude for your kindness and compassion. It takes a very special person to help someone that you don’t know and have never met.

Saying thank you doesn’t seem enough. I look at my beautiful daughter and think about how my life has changed since I have had her. I now can’t imagine my life without her. I can assure you that she will be loved and well looked after. If you would like, I am happy to send you a photo of her.

If you would be interested in having updates as to how my daughter is going, I would be only too happy to send you an annual letter on her progress. If you would possibly feel comfortable to meet one day in the future so we can thank you personally we would be keen to do this. No pressure! I will respect whatever you and your family feel comfortable with.

I sincerely hope your life is as full of happiness as the happiness you have given me,

Best wishes and thank you again,

Olivia’s Mum, Linda

Sample letter from a donor:

Dear Donor Daughter/Son,

I wanted to let you know that over the years I have wondered about the people who may have been born as a result of my donation. Are they happy, healthy and well looked after? Do they know they were created with some extra help from me? Do they want more information about me – my medical history, my personality and interests and my appearance?

Perhaps it would help you to know why I donated. I was a young person at the time. The clinic was looking for donors. I had some understanding of infertility because I had close friends who were having trouble becoming pregnant. I wanted to help people who wished to have children but could not do so. Since then I have married and had children of my own but I never forgot my donation.

I just want to let you know that I am happy to give you this information and to possibly meet if you would like this…or not. I am comfortable to do whatever you would like. I am very conscious of your feelings and also, of your parents’ wishes and certainly don’t want to intrude. I am very clear that I am not your parent and I want to reassure them and you that I don’t want to take on a parenting role as you have these already.

I wish you all the very best in your life,


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